
Christianity is India's third-largest religion after Hinduism and Islam, with approximately 28 million followers, constituting 2.3 percent of India's population. Christian faith was introduced to India by Thomas the ApostleAccording to another tradition Bartholomew the Apostle is credited with simultaneously introducing Christianity along the Konkan Coast. Christianity is divided into many denominations or sects, and the major ones include Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism. The name for an Indian christian is Roman Catholic and their goal is to break down the caste system. 

They believe in :

God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.

The death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ.
The holiness of the Church and the communion of saints.
- That every human being is his child, and a brother or sister of Jesus Christ.
Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.

Facts about Christianity:

It is the largest religion in the world today with more than 2.2 billion followers.
- The Bible is the main book and there is an old testament and a new one.
- A Missionary is bears the message of Christ.
The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church.
Monks and Nuns are devoted followers of Christianity.
Mary was the mother of Jesus.
The belief in one God originated with the Jewish religion.
There are many different kinds of prayer, including: adoration: praising God for his greatness and admitting dependence on him. Confession: owning up to sin and asking for God's mercy and forgiveness.
- Refusing to turn to God and accept this forgiveness is the eternal sin.

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